100 MAPS means NEW INDEX!!!!

WE HAVE 100 MAPS!!!!!!!

When did this happen? Actually last week when we posted the Island! And then the Elemental Cave became 101!!!! And it was only JUST NOW when I counted I realised we had COMPLETELY missed this milestone!!!!

So… A few patrons have asked for a way to quickly find types of maps and so I’ve been working on an index to help you find your way through the ONE HUNDRED MAPS in the google drive. So we’ve been working on this and the best way is an index with the broad categories in a document and each item is a link to the specific folder. Basically what you see in the image above.

We need feedback on this from our pizza, soda and merch patrons!!!! So please let us know if there is a category missing from our list. We’ll make it happen.

For those in Snack Tier… we’re getting to a index for you guys too… It will happen!

Lastly, we really want to reach as many people as possible! So if you like our little patron, please consider sharing a link to us with your friends.

We believe we have extremely high quality maps for a really reasonable price. We regularly churn out 6-7 maps per month and all are incredibly detailed and well designed. Our three artists care about the work that they do. They… we… want to share our love of map making with as many people as possible. 

Stay tuned for more awesome maps. 

And have FUN!