Here at Beg, Borrow and Steal Productions we believe in respect for all people. It’s important that you can feel respected, valued and valid in our modern and increasingly diverse world. It’s as important that all people are fairly represented by laws, and that systemic injustice is pursued and rectified as much as is possible.

We don’t expect everyone to believe the same as us, or practice the same religions, or hold our ideals to be the same as theirs, but respect is key. And you cannot profess to respect someone whilst denying them equality. The two concepts are mutually dependant.

June is Pride month. And no matter what your opinion on gender and sexuality, no human being should ever be denied their fundamental human rights and no human should ever be denied love, respect, compassion or equality of opportunity. Any response to this statement that starts with the words “Yes… but…” is erroneous. 

The fact that people still need to push for the right to be accepted for who they are is a terrible indictment on how far we still have to come as a society. And whilst one person or group cannot change a system on their own, many people practicing respect and compassion will create, and already have created, change for the better. 

We don’t make policy at Beg, Borrow and Steal Productions, but we do make maps. Becca and Sheryl have made two maps which are free to all those who want them. They can be found in our free google drive here:

Or as usual, they can be found attached below.

It’s at this point I would sign off and tell you all to “Have fun”. But today I’m going to sign off with simply saying this:

Every one of us longs for acceptance and respect. Let’s start there.

( …and have fun 😀 )